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M10 TCP, UDP and Controlling our Network Configuration (SSH, HTTP)

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ENABLE THE ENGLISH SUBTITLES, These videos are spoken in Finnish


Video: Tietoverkot, TCP, UDP ja verkon konfiguraation hallinta (SSH, HTTP), osa 1

Video: Tietoverkot, TCP, UDP ja verkon konfiguraation hallinta (SSH, HTTP), osa 2

Video: Tietoverkot, TCP, UDP ja verkon konfiguraation hallinta (SSH, HTTP), osa 3

Video: Tietoverkot, TCP, UDP ja verkon konfiguraation hallinta (SSH, HTTP), osa 4

Video: Tietoverkot, TCP, UDP ja verkon konfiguraation hallinta (SSH, HTTP), osa 5

Video: Tietoverkot, TCP, UDP ja verkon konfiguraation hallinta (SSH, HTTP), osa 6

OSI - Model Layer 4

Now we are talking about the fourth layer of the OSI Model, the Transport Layer. This should have come up a little bit sooner (e.g. in firewalls), but better late than never. Now we look technically how the OSI model Layer 4 works.


This layer sends segments of data between hosts. It uses the Layer 3 as the courier of these segments.

As the previous firewalling chapter already demonstrated us...

One of the most important part of the Transport Layer are the ports (or port numbers) of different services.

The port can be seen through many different representations



tcp/22 udp/53 tcp/80

[application]://[ipv4 address]:[port]

Sometimes the application uses the default port defined by IANA: Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry is a completely valid address

The default port of HTTP is 80 (if search through IANA)

Thus, the browser typically leaves the :80 out of the URL.

services can be configured to other ports

e.g. http servers might be residing in

Now the default port of the HTTP server has been changed from 80 -> 8080

What is this port exactly? Well then we have to look at the segment headers...

Transmission Control Protocol - TCP

These videos are still in Finnish

Video: Data Networks, TCP, UDP and Controlling our Network Configuration (SSH, HTTP), part 2

TCP is a connection-oriented transmission protocol. It establishes connections between IPv4 addresses through the three-way handshake. It acknowledges received segments and in case of missing segments, adjusts the transmission speed (window size).

Lets look at the TCP header first.


Wireshark of the TCP header in action


Source Port: 16 bits

The source port number. 2^16 = 0 - 65535 different ports. The client operating system listens to this port.

Destination Port: 16 bits

The destination port number. 2^16 = 0 - 65535 different ports. The server operating system listens to this port for client connections.

Sequence Number: 32 bits

As the header carries application data. The sequence number informs what section of that application data it is carrying. E.g. the first header could carry 0-999, second header could carry 1000-1999.

Acknowledgment Number: 32 bits

If the ACK flag (later) is set to 1. This field contains the value of the next sequence number the sender of the segment is expecting to receive. Once a connection is established this is always sent.

Data Offset: 4 bits

The number of 32 bit words in the TCP Header. This indicates where the data begins. The TCP header (even one including options) is an integral number of 32 bits long.

Reserved: 6 bits

For Future use. Usually zero.

Control Bits: 6 bits (from left to right):

Known as TCP Flags:

  • URG: If true, read the Urgent Pointer
  • ACK: If true, read the Acknowledgment field
  • PSH: Push Function, sends the segment without waiting for additional bytestream from the application
  • RST: Reset the (TCP) connection
  • SYN: Synchronize sequence numbers
  • FIN: No more data from sender

Window: 16 bits

This informs the amount of data which the sender of the header is willing to accept. Usually informed as "window size". Thus the next segment can be asked to contain 2000 bytes of data instead of 1000.

Checksum: 16 bits

Checksum verifies the integrity of the header. To eliminate the possibility of errors in transmission.

Urgent Pointer: 16 bits

The urgent pointer is a way for the TCP protocol to inform that there is "urgent data" coming through that has to be processed immediately. Unfortunately the implementations are wild

RFC6093 - On the Implementation of the TCP Urgent Mechanism

Unfortunately, virtually all TCP implementations process TCP urgent indications differently.

Options: variable

Because Options is a variable length field... it can support a variety of future needs.

Most notable examples are

  • Maximum Segment Size (MSS) - How much data can be sent in a segment
  • Timestamps - To support possible algorithms that require information on the jitter of the connection
  • Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) - If there are segments that need to be acknowledged to have been received out of order

Padding: variable

Padding makes sure the TCP header is dividable by 32. So (e.g. 32 bit processors) can handle the header. Padding is just zero bits.


These videos are still in Finnish

Video: Data Networks, TCP, UDP and Controlling our Network Configuration (SSH, HTTP), part 3

One of the most important sections on connection establishment is the three-way handshake.


Same - As a wireshark packet capture



Other important functionality is the reactiveness of TCP to possible transmission errors.

TCP can react to the changing transmission speeds in the network by increasing the segment size or decreasing the segment size. Additionally all the windows/segments have to be ACKonwledged as received.


User Datagram Protocol - UDP

These videos are still in Finnish

Video: Data Networks, TCP, UDP and Controlling our Network Configuration (SSH, HTTP), part 4

As TCP is a complicated and a protocol... full of fields and flags... fustrating.

User Datagram Protocol is a simple solution: "Send and forget!".


RFC 768 - User Datagram Protocol

  1. UDP provides a procedure for application programs to send messages to other programs with a minimum of protocol mechanism
  2. Delivery and duplicate protection are not guaranteed
  3. Applications requiring ordered reliable delivery of streams of data should use the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Thus UDP is suitable of send & forget style of communication. The receiver will respond if necessary... thus typically retransmission timers are a problem of the Application Layer utilizing UDP.

I could tell you an UDP joke, but you wouldn't get it

Source Port: 16 bits

The source port number. 2^16 = 0 - 65535 different ports.

It is optional, because replies are typically not expected. If unnecessary, source port = 0.

Destination Port: 16 bits

The destination port number. 2^16 = 0 - 65535 different ports.


Length represents the total byte size of Header + Data.


Checksum verifies the integrity of the header. To eliminate the possibility of errors in transmission.

Wireshark of the UDP header in action



Note that there are no Sequence Number in the UDP header. This means that if segments are received in the wrong order... there is no way to reassemble them.

Many telephony or videoconference solutions might use UDP transport, thus on top of UDP are two different protocols introduced to handle this "send simple, but reorder by squence number & timestamp".

  • Real-time Transport Protocol - RTP
    • Offers timestamping and sequence numbering
  • Real-time Transport Control Protocol - RTCP
    • Offers Quality of Service for the phone/video connection

Most recognizable ports that applications use

These videos are still in Finnish

Video: Data Networks, TCP, UDP and Controlling our Network Configuration (SSH, HTTP), part 5

TCP/UDP ports that all (IT-engineers) should recognize

You'll start to remember them, but don't worry. Exam questions will probably have a few of these as they are considered "common knowledge" in the field of IT

The list isn't in "importance" order, but in port number order.

Service Name Port Number Transport Protocol Description
FTP 21 tcp/udp File Transfer Protocol
SSH 22 tcp/udp The Secure Shell Protocol
Telnet 23 tcp/udp Telnet
SMTP 25 tcp/udp Simple Mail Transfer
DNS 53 tcp/udp Domain Name Server
HTTP 80 tcp/udp Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol
POP3 110 tcp/udp Post Office Protocol - Version 3
SFTP 115 tcp/udp Secure File Transfer Protocol
NTP 123 tcp/udp Network Time Protocol
IMAP 143 tcp/udp Internet Message Access Protocol
BGP 179 tcp/udp Border Gateway Protocol
LDAP 389 tcp/udp Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
HTTPS 443 tcp/udp Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol - Secure
MySQL 3306 tcp Open-source Structured Query Language
RDP 3389 tcp/udp Remote Desktop Protocol

Measuring TCP/UDP performance with iperf

iperf is a tool for measuring TCP/UDP bandwidth over a network. Our lubuntu.ovas have it installed.

The following has the Lubuntu VM on a bridged network (connected to the Internet)

Client -mode

iperf -c [ip address]

lubuntu@lubuntu-virtualbox:~$ iperf -c -p 5201
Client connecting to, TCP port 5201
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 57606 connected with port 5201
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-10.1 sec  12.8 MBytes  10.6 Mbits/sec
iperf -c [ipaddress] -p 5201

-p [port] defines the destination port of the connection

lubuntu@lubuntu-virtualbox:~$ iperf -c -p 5201
Client connecting to, TCP port 5201
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 57606 connected with port 5201
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-10.1 sec  12.8 MBytes  10.6 Mbits/sec
iperf -c [ipaddress] -p 5201 -t 50

-t [#] defines the time for testing in seconds

lubuntu@lubuntu-virtualbox:~$ iperf -c -p 5201 -t 50
Client connecting to, TCP port 5201
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 57604 connected with port 5201
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-50.0 sec  58.9 MBytes  9.88 Mbits/sec
iperf -c [ipaddress] -p 5201 -t 10 -i 2

-i [#] defines the interval of tests. 2 second intervals in this example during 10 second test period.

lubuntu@lubuntu-virtualbox:~$ iperf -c -p 5201 -t 10 -i 2
Client connecting to, TCP port 5201
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 57610 connected with port 5201
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0- 2.0 sec  2.88 MBytes  12.1 Mbits/sec
[  3]  2.0- 4.0 sec  2.75 MBytes  11.5 Mbits/sec
[  3]  4.0- 6.0 sec  2.75 MBytes  11.5 Mbits/sec
[  3]  6.0- 8.0 sec  2.00 MBytes  8.39 Mbits/sec
[  3]  8.0-10.0 sec  2.75 MBytes  11.5 Mbits/sec
[  3]  0.0-10.4 sec  13.1 MBytes  10.5 Mbits/sec
iperf -c [ipaddress] -p 5201 -u

-u defines the iperf program to use UDP transmission.

lubuntu@lubuntu-virtualbox:~$ iperf -c -p 5201 -u
Client connecting to, UDP port 5201
Sending 1470 byte datagrams, IPG target: 11215.21 us (kalman adjust)
UDP buffer size:  208 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 56028 connected with port 5201
read failed: Connection refused
[  3] WARNING: did not receive ack of last datagram after 1 tries.
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec
[  3] Sent 892 datagrams

iperf -c [ipaddress] -p 5201 -u -b 1000000000

-b 1000000000 addition increases the max speed of UDP transmission to 1Gbit/s.

UDP is used in Denial of Service -attacks, thus DO NOT DO THIS IN THE INTERNET

It is forbidden in the Finnish law.

Rikoslaki 38 6 § Törkeä tietoliikenteen häirintä

Translation in english not applicable/doesn't uphold "the spirit of the law".

Server -mode

The following has the Lubuntu VM on a internal network (connected to the course data network)

The server model requires us to enable iperf in our laboratory environment. Notice that the traffic isn't routed through the firewall as it would require updates on the rule sets.


iperf -s on the lubuntu VM (server) on the left


lubuntu@lubuntu-virtualbox:~$ iperf -s
Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size:  128 KByte (default)
The iperf -s uses the ip address of the lubuntu which is (used next on the client).

iperf -c on the lubuntu VM (server) on the right
lubuntu@lubuntu-virtualbox:~$ sudo iperf -c
Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
TCP window size:  289 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 35750 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   166 MBytes   139 Mbits/sec
The server at reacts to this by
lubuntu@lubuntu-virtualbox:~$ iperf -s
Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size:  128 KByte (default)
[  4] local port 5001 connected with port 35750
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  4]  0.0-10.1 sec   166 MBytes   138 Mbits/sec

Network Configuration

These videos are still in Finnish

Video: Data Networks, TCP, UDP and Controlling our Network Configuration (SSH, HTTP), part 6

Through out the course we have handled network configuration on the network devices switch.ova and vyos.ova.

Network configuration is often a .cfg file or similar containing text.

Different configuration file examples

Cisco Systems configuration

version 4.2(1)N2(1)
feature fcoe
feature telnet
feature tacacs+
feature udld
feature interface-vlan
feature lacp
feature vpc
feature lldp
feature fex
snmp-server enable traps entity fru
role name default-role
  description This is a system defined role and applies to all users.
  rule 5 permit command feature environment
  rule 4 permit command feature hardware
  rule 3 permit command feature module
  rule 2 permit command feature snmp
  rule 1 permit command feature system
role name praveena
username admin password 5 $1$VrQsB2KX$4jkUcx3sXWU8lhI1mlwLa/  role network-admin
username oregon password 5 $1$p3VJ0/BY$Kp22A08NeqCQ0asxUKXq91  role network-oper
no password strength-check
ip domain-lookup
ip host switch
ip host BEND-1
tacacs-server host key 7 "wawy1234"
aaa group server tacacs+ t1
    use-vrf management
aaa group server tacacs+ tacacs
radius-server host key 7 "KkwyCet" authentication accounting
aaa group server radius r1
    use-vrf management
hostname switch
logging event link-status default
errdisable recovery interval 30
no errdisable detect cause link-flap
errdisable recovery cause pause-rate-limit
Paloalto configuration

set network interface ethernet ethernet1/1 layer3 ip
set zone trust network layer3 ethernet1/1
set network virtual-router default interface ethernet1/1
set network interface ethernet ethernet1/2 layer3 ip
set zone untrust network layer3 ethernet1/2
set network virtual-router default interface ethernet1/2
set network virtual-router default routing-table ip static-route default destination nexthop ip-address
set network profiles interface-management-profile allow_ping_ssh ping yes ssh yes
set network interface ethernet ethernet1/1 layer3 interface-management-profile allow_ping_ssh
set network profiles interface-management-profile allow_ping ping yes
set network interface ethernet ethernet1/2 layer3 interface-management-profile allow_ping
Juniper Networks configuration

interfaces {
    sp-2/0/0 { # This adaptive services interface creates the flow records.
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
                address {
    fe-1/0/0 { # This is the interface where records are sent to the flow server.
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
    ge-2/3/0 { # This is the input interface where all traffic enters the router.
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
                filter {
                    input catch_all; # This is where the firewall filter is applied.
    ge-3/0/0 { # This is the interface where the original traffic is forwarded.
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
forwarding-options {
    sampling { # Traffic is sampled and sent to a flow server.
        input {
            rate 1; # Samples 1 out of x packets (here, a rate of 1 sample per packet).
family inet {
    output {
        flow-server { # The IP address and port of the flow server.
            port 2055;
            version 5; # Records are sent to the flow server using version 5 format.
            flow-inactive-timeout 15;
            flow-active-timeout 60;
            interface sp-2/0/0 { # Adding an interface here enables PIC-based sampling.
            engine-id 5; # Engine statements are dynamic, but can be configured.
            engine-type 55;
            source-address; # You must configure this statement.
firewall {
    family inet {
        filter catch_all { # Apply this filter on the input interface.
            term default {
                then {
                    count counter1;

Controlling Devices

Console connection

The console connection is the oldest way to control a device. Network Devices typically have an con port for configuration. Console cables of the old are being replaced by USB ports. Anyway this way of giving the network device a shoulder to lean on (finnish: vierihoito) is the most basic way to install a device into a network to be reachable by SSH or HTTPS.

Cisco Router booted up while managed through through a blue console connection cable

On this course the console connection is used through VirtualBox Console window to the Virtual Machines.

Remote connections

There are different ways to configure a network device through the network. These connections are called:

  • In-Band connection
  • Out-of-Band connection (OOB)

In-Band connection is how we configure devices on this course (excluding VirtualBox console).

Out-of-Band connection is how network devices are configured in high-availability networks to ensure connection to the devices ... even in network changes. This means that there is another data network for the management connection ... network.

But how are the OOB network devices configured

Well "Who will guard the guards themselves?"

Typically one layer of separation is enough. Very rarely connection problems affect both networks (given the premesis that the networks use different physical cabling also)

Naming devices

Well... this is an hard one. Throughout the course I've used variable different names for the Routers. When remotely connecting, the device naming should be apparent in the console.

Naming in Vyos (Routers)

Vyos: set system host-name [name]

Requires a full reboot of the devices to take affect.....

Naming in EXOS (Switches)

EXOS-VM.1# configure snmp sysName [name]


Secure Shell (SSH) is an application and a protocol to connect to your server (or network device) from afar to administer it (by opening a shell/command-line interface)

SSH provides an encrypted connection through TCP/IP -networks to securely operate a device (be it server/switch/router/...).

It is de facto tool of any IT administrator.

To enable SSH server in switch.ova:

EXOS-VM.8 # enable ssh2 port 22
WARNING: Generating new server host key
This could take up to 1 minute and cannot be cancelled. Continue? (y/N) Yes

Key Generated.

To enable SSH server in vyos.ova:

vyos$vyos# set service ssh port 22
vyos$vyos# commit
vyos$vyos# save


Very often somekind of a web server interface is implemented in commercial software. This is a nice front-end for users who do not understand what they are doing, but now they don't need to learn CLI -commands (which is what we have been doing on the course) to get into the "dirty details" of operations.

Once you've understood how the commands work under the hood. HTTP might be a way to quickly configure devices. Sometimes it is actually the only way... leaving engineers... fustrated.

HTTP server(s) can be enabled on the device(s).

Switch: EXOS-VM.1# enable web http


Router (vyos): set service https listen-address [IPv4 address on the Router - e.g. loopback]


how do you save a webpage configuration!?

Well you don't... typically the webpages offer somekind of a solution to download the configuration text file...

Application Programmable Interfaces - API

Network Automation is increasing the possibility to have e.g. python scripts configure the device... or running on the device.

Network Automation has required Operations to interact with Development to form "DevOps". Typically this means automation is improved through git -version control which contains the configuration files for deployment by Continuous Integration - Continuous Development (or CI/CD) pipelines.

Five stages of Network Automation Grief -

Denial. I don’t need automation. Our network doesn’t change that much, and it’s perfectly OK to configure devices by hand. We’ve always been doing it this way, and it was fine.

Anger. Why is everyone talking about this new stuff? Why should I learn something new after studying networking for a decade?

Bargaining. Maybe I don’t need automation. Maybe I can buy an intent-based or software-defined product from my $vendor and continue using GUI… or maybe I could do a bit of Google-and-paste and get something done.

Needless to say, $vendors love engineers being stuck in this phase… and well-meaning evangelists explaining how easy it is to automate stuff (without ever telling you about the hard parts like source-of-truth or data models) inadvertently help creating either Expert Beginners that stay stuck at this phase forever (while thinking they really nailed it) or death by a thousand scripts.

Depression. It’s so complex. I have to learn all this new stuff. I hate YAML. Jinja2 is really a pile of crap. Network devices suck… even SSH doesn’t work reliably. Why couldn’t my $vendor give me a clean API returning the data I need (hint: because you chose the wrong vendor ;).

Acceptance. Damn it, I’m an engineer. I can make it work. I’ll work hard, master new stuff, and get it done. After all, if I managed to get to the point where I can design and deploy complex networks, I might be able to team with a programmer (or an automation expert) and slowly build something useful.

  • Source: ... this is an awesome blog for data networking... highly recommended

This automation is a part of Fundamentals of Scripting and automatization -course.

Configuration Control

By now you must have noticed the differences between the switch.ova (EXOS) and vyos.ova (Vyos) operating systems.

  1. The vyos.ova has to have commit inserted to take configuration into use
  2. The switch.ova takes the commands ... immediately into use

Cisco Systems has established namings for these configurations as

  1. Running configuration - the configuration that is currently operational on the device
  2. Startup configuration - the configuration saved on the device (from which the system boots)

Configuration Rollbacks are a way to restore the configuration to an earlier point (usually a working configuration).

Configuration Rollbacks - Our routers support this phenomenon.
vyos@vyos2# rollback 
Possible completions:
  <N>   Rollback to revision N (currently requires reboot)

    0   2020-08-27 10:22:43 vyos by cli
    1   2020-08-27 09:53:21 vyos by cli
    2   2020-08-21 07:22:18 vyos by cli
    3   2020-08-21 07:11:22 vyos by cli
    4   2020-08-19 05:34:12 vyos by cli
    5   2020-08-19 05:30:44 vyos by cli
    6   2020-08-12 09:22:18 vyos by cli
    7   2020-08-06 05:12:57 vyos by cli
    8   2020-08-06 05:08:18 root by boot-config-loader
    9   2020-08-05 10:11:31 vyos by cli
    10  2020-08-05 09:33:52 vyos by cli
    11  2020-06-01 12:04:55 root by boot-config-loader
    12  2020-06-01 12:04:54 root by init


Continue to the Exercises

E11 Measuring TCP and UDP

E12 Controlling Network Configuration

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This course and its materials are written by Karo Saharinen and licenced by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.

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